Book Blitz Sign Up: The Thought Readers (Mind Dimensions #1) by Dima Zales!
YA Bound Book Tours is organizing a Book Blitz: The Thought Readers (Min Dimensions #1) by Dima Zales. This blitz will run August 10th to August 14th. If you would like to participate in this blitz, please fill out the form below. Participants will receive everything they need one day before the blitz. I will also send out an HTML-ready post if you prefer, feel free to personalize this as you wish to best fit your blog design/layout.
Book blitz not have to be the top/only post of the day. Can be shared on blog and/or Twitter and Facebook.
The Thought Readers
(Mind Dimensions #1)
by Dima Zales
Release Date: 3/5/14
Mozaika Publications
Summary from Goodreads:
A new series about mind readers from USA Today bestselling authors...
Everyone thinks I’m a genius.
Everyone is wrong.
Sure, I finished Harvard at eighteen and now make crazy money at a hedge fund. But that’s not because I’m unusually smart or hard-working.
It’s because I cheat.
You see, I have a unique ability. I can go outside time into my own personal version of reality—the place I call “the Quiet”—where I can explore my surroundings while the rest of the world stands still.
I thought I was the only one who could do this—until I met her.
My name is Darren, and this is how I became entangled with all the Russians and learned that I’m a Reader.
About the Author

Dima holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from NYU and a dual undergraduate degree in Computer Science / Psychology from Brooklyn College. He also has a number of hobbies and interests, the most unusual of which might be professional-level mentalism. He simulates mind-reading on stage and close-up, and has done shows for corporations, wealthy individuals, and friends.
He is also into healthy eating and fitness, so he should live long enough to finish all the book projects he starts. In fact, he very much hopes to catch the technological advancements that might let him live forever (biologically or otherwise). Aside from that, he also enjoys learning about current and future technologies that might enhance our lives, including artificial intelligence, biofeedback, brain-to-computer interfaces, and brain-enhancing implants.
In addition to his own works, Dima has collaborated on a number of romance novels with his wife, Anna Zaires. The Krinar Chronicles, an erotic science fiction series, has been a bestseller in its categories and has been recognized by the likes of Marie Claire and Woman’s Day. If you like erotic romance with a unique plot, please feel free to check it out, especially since the first book in the series (Close Liaisons) is available for free everywhere. Keep in mind, though, Dima Zales's books are going to be much more PG 13 . . . at least that’s the plan for now.
Anna Zaires is the love of his life and a huge inspiration in every aspect of his writing. She definitely adds her magic touch to anything Dima creates, and the books would not be the same without her. Dima’s fans are strongly encouraged to learn more about Anna and her work at
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