Blog Tour Kick-Off: Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw!
YA Bound Book Tours is organizing a Blog Tour for: Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw from Entangled Teen. This tour will run from January 6th to January 16th. Check out the full blog tour schedule below:
Atlantis Rising
by Gloria Craw
Release Date: 01/06/15
Entangled Teen
352 pages
Summary from Goodreads:
I am different. I have always
been different, but no one can know or my life will be in danger. So I hide in
plain sight, wearing drab clothes and thick glasses and trying to be invisible.
I’m so good at hiding, no one has ever noticed me. Until Ian…the mysterious and
oh-so-cute boy I know I need to avoid.
Now I have been seen. And more
terrifying still, I am wanted—by those who would protect me and those who would
destroy everything and everyone I love. But if they’re all terrified about who
I am, wait until they see what I can do…
About the Author
Gloria Craw grew up in the desert southwest, inspired every day by the wide skies and rich colors around her. After high school, she attended the University of Utah where she majored and got a degree in anthropology. These days, she lives in the ‘burbs’ just outside of Seattle, Washington where she is the shepherd of a husband, four daughters and a very hairy dog.
Author Links:

Gloria Craw grew up in the desert southwest, inspired every day by the wide skies and rich colors around her. After high school, she attended the University of Utah where she majored and got a degree in anthropology. These days, she lives in the ‘burbs’ just outside of Seattle, Washington where she is the shepherd of a husband, four daughters and a very hairy dog.
Author Links:

Blog Tour Schedule:
January 6:
Mom With A Kindle - Character Profile: Alison
I Read Indie - Character Profile: Brandy
T & G Book Boutique - Review
January 7:
Bad Bird Reads - Review
Movies, Shows & Books - Playlist
The Haunted Rose - Review
Victoria Simcox's Blog - Excerpt
January 8:
The Book Harbor Reviews - Character Profile: Ian
January 9:
Once Upon a YA Book - Review
Imagine a World - Review
January 12:
Swoony Boys Podcast - Review
Ashley's Paranormal Book Blog - Http://
- Promo Post
Rhea's Neon Journal - Review
Desert Rose Reviews - Review
January 13:
The Perks of being a Book Nerd - Character Profile: Nikki
A Thousand Words A Million Books - Excerpt
January 14:
Watcha Reading - Excerpt
Sunrise Avenue - Review
January 15:
The Book Rogue - Review
Meredith & Jennifer's Musings - Review
deal sharing aunt - Excerpt
Du Livre – Excerpt
The Best Books Ever - Review
Du Livre – Excerpt
The Best Books Ever - Review
January 16:
The Phantom Paragrapher - Review
The Shadow Realm - Spotlight
Dizneeee's World of Books - - Review*
Jillian's Books - – Review*
Bookish Delights – - Review*
Stuck In YA Books - - Review*
The Book Bratz - - Review*
K-Books - – Review*
Bookish Delights – - Review*
Stuck In YA Books - - Review*
The Book Bratz - - Review*
K-Books - – Review*